Victory over others brings us satisfaction, but victory over ourselves brings us joy

I found this sentence in a book called Power vs. Force, and it hit me really hard. It’s thrilling, stirring, stimulating, rousing, rip-roaring, and mind-boggling. I immediately fell in love with it. I find it to be utterly true, and I can only salute the author, David Hawkins.

But, how to be victorious over oneself?

Have You Found Your Meaning?

Even if we briefly analyse what is power and what is force, certain philosophic conclusions can immediately be drawn. How does power operate and what is its intrinsic source? How does power receive its greater strengths? What makes force capitulate eventually?

Meaning gives birth to power, which is associated with principle and motive. The things that support the significance of life are always associated with power. As a result, power always appeals to that which humans call noble, contrary to force, which appeals to crass (synonyms: insensitive, mindless; antonyms: intelligent). Power appeals to that which ennobles, dignifies and uplifts. Power requires no justification, whereas force always requires justification. Power is associated with the whole, force with the partial.

Why does force must always succumb to power? The answer is readily apparent if we analyse the nature of force and is backed up by the basic laws of physics. The effect of force is limited by definition because force automatically creates counter-force. If we see force as movement, we can see that it goes from one point to another, or tries to reach the other point against opposition.

Contrary to force, power does not need to move. It can stand still and get things moving. Power is a lot like gravity: it moves all objects in its gravity field without moving the field.

Power does not move against anything, whereas force always moves against something. This is because force needs to be fed energy constantly. It is intrinsically incomplete. On the other hand, power is complete and total in and of itself. It does not require anything from outside of itself. Power has no needs, and it has no demands.

Force constantly consumes because of its insatiable appetite. In contrast, power supports, supplies, gives forth and energizes. It gives energy and life, while force takes them away because it tends to make us feel bad about ourselves and is associated with being judgemental. On the other hand, you will notice that power makes us feel positive and is associated with compassion.

Counter-force is the constant result of force, whose effect is not of unifying character, but that of polarizing. Conflicts, which are created from polarization, which is incited by force, can have a very high cost. Therefore, the product of force is always a win/lose dichotomy. Losses always create enemies, and when you are constantly faced with enemies, you require constant defense. Thus, force can have a very high rate of energy drainage.

When searching for the source of power, one has to look for a meaning. The significance of life itself is associated with meaning. The sources of power are not subject to proof and are beyond argument. In contrast, force requires support and proof because it is arguable, literal and concrete.

The self-evident, such as power, is not arguable. Statements that tell us that the constructive is preferable to the destructive, that trust and faith are preferable to cynicism and doubt, that honor is preferable to dishonor, that life is more important than death, that health is more important than disease are all self-evident.

They are not subject to proof. The source of power is just there.

The things that symbolize concepts with powerful meanings for us…

…is what actually inspires us. Consciousness emanates true power, and it is the visible manifestation of the invisible. Sacrifice for better life, nobility of purpose, pride are all
considered inspirational. They give life significance. The symbols that inspire us realign abstract principles with our motives.

Suicide commonly ensues when life loses meaning. That is why meaning is so important. When one’s life loses meaning, one goes first into depression. If life becomes even less meaningful, one finally leaves it.

Why force creates the emptiness of meaninglessness? Because force has transient goals, and when those goals are reached, you feel empty. Power on the other hand can motivate you endlessly. Our lives can never lose meaning if you find one. A person dedicated, for instance, to improving the welfare of everyone else, can never lose meaning and purpose.

Anyway, Power vs. Force is the kind of literature that I am into lately, and it helps me develop professionally by bounds and leaps. It helps me survive personally as well. For all of those well into their thirties, highly recommended!

If you want to buy it on Amazon, click here (I will get a minuscule fee for the referral and will be very grateful for it).

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